Poland grants refugee status to 38 foreigners - agency

2016-05-09 15:27 update: 2018-09-27, 04:03
Tablice informacyjne na ogrodzeniu podległego Urzędowi ds. Cudzoziemców, Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Nowej Dębie. Archiwum Fot. PAP/ Darek Delmanowicz
Tablice informacyjne na ogrodzeniu podległego Urzędowi ds. Cudzoziemców, Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Nowej Dębie. Archiwum Fot. PAP/ Darek Delmanowicz
Since the beginning of 2016, Poland has granted refugee status to 38 people and received 4,000 refugee status applications. Most of the successful applicants are Syrians, according to the latest report by the Office for Foreigners, accessed by PAP.

Most applications for international protection were filed this year by citizens of three countries: Russia (2,600; mostly Chechens), Tajikistan (475) and Ukraine (455). They are followed by Armenians (112), Turks (56), Georgians (41) as well as Kyrgyz (20) and Syrian (19) nationals.

People seeking international protection mostly cross Poland's eastern border. Most of the applicants (73 percent) are women and minors.

Apart from the 38 positive refugee status decisions issued since the beginning of the year, the Office for Foreigners has also offered subsidiary protection to 38 people and 6 permits for tolerated stay. Seven hundred and forty-six applications were rejected and 3,300 cases were discontinued.

The refugee status recipients included citizens of Syria (21), Egypt (3), China (3), Uganda (2) and Iraq (2). Subsidiary protection was given to citizens of Russia (18), Ukraine (8), Iraq (7) and Syria (3). Tolerated stay permits were offered to citizens of Russia (2), Belarus (2), Pakistan (1) and Ukraine (1).

Since the beginning of the year, provincial governors have received over 40,000 regularisation applications, most of them filed by Ukrainians. (PAP)
