Poland has second longest working hours in the EU - report

2024-04-24 21:14 update: 2024-04-26, 12:12
Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski
Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski
Poles work the most hours in the EU after the Greeks and work three hours longer per week than the EU average, according to a report by the Polish Economic Institute (PIE).

Data in the PIE report, "Work-life balance and flexible forms of work organisation", shows that Poles work on average 40.4 hours a week, three hours longer than the average in EU countries and eight hours longer than the Dutch, who work the shortest number of hours. According to Eurostat information quoted by PIE, only the Greeks, on 41 hours a week, work longer than Poles.

The institute also noted, citing its own research conducted in December 2023 on a sample of 1,000 enterprises, that 5 percent of Poles work part-time, while the EU average stands at 17 pct. 

PIE added that 13 percent of people in Poland work remotely, 10 percent less than the EU average.

The report states that the leader in the practice of work-life balance (the amount of time devoted to work compared to time spent doing other things - PAP) are Italians, who achieved a level of 9.4/10 points in the Better Life Index research (an OECD indicator used to compare living standards), the Danes (8.6/10 points) and the Norwegians (8.5/10 points) also rated highly. 

Poland achieved a score of 6.5/10 points in work-life balance, third from bottom among the surveyed EU countries and placed 25th out of 41 surveyed countries in the overall ranking. (PAP)