Russia must not win in Ukraine, Duda says in Qatar

2024-05-14 12:51 update: 2024-05-15, 14:58
Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
Russia cannot not be allowed to win the war with Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda said in Doha on Tuesday.

The Polish president made the statement at a session of the Qatar Economic Forum, after he was asked whether he agreed with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who said that "there is no victory for Ukraine."

"It depends how we understand the notion of victory," Duda said. "First of all, we see it this way... that we can't allow Russia to win in Ukraine."

Feferring to his most recent talks in the United States in April, Duda said he was satisfied by the ultimate decision by the US Congress to support Ukraine.

In April, the House of Representatives on Saturday voted in favour of the USD 61 billion aid package for Ukraine which, until then, had been stuck in US Congress for months over a dispute between Republicans and Democrats. 

"A Russian offensive is coming and whether it will happen is practically certain," he said, adding that it can be expected in a few weeks' time. (PAP)
