Almost one in two Polish entrepreneurs employ Ukrainians says survey

2023-03-21 13:15 update: 2023-03-21, 22:24
Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
Photo PAP/Marcin Obara
Close to 50 percent of Polish employers employ a worker from Ukraine, new research has shown.

Employment of Ukrainians in Polish companies has been on the rise, according a press release published on Tuesday by recruitment agency Personnel Service, which cites its latest report 'Barometer of the Polish Labour Market.' 

Nearly one in two Polish employers has personnel from Ukraine on its staff, an increase of 7 percentage points from the survey conducted in November 2022 and up by 15 percentage points year on year, the report showed. 

"People of working age, who found shelter in Poland after the outbreak of war and wanted to work here, easily found their way into the labour market," said the founder of Personnel Service, Krzysztof Inglot, as cited in the press release. 

Inglot also quotes data from Poland's social security service, ZUS, which show that at the end of February 2023 1.063 million foreigners had paid national insurance contributions, of which 738,600 were Ukrainians.

The study also found that 58 percent of employees from Ukraine work in large companies employing over 250 people.

More than half of the companies surveyed by Personnel Service (65 percent) said that workers from Ukraine are most often employed in lower-level positions, and nearly one in three Ukrainians work as qualified middle-level staff, which is a 4 percentage points increase from November, 2022. 

At the same time, 9 percent of Ukrainians are employed at a higher level, which is 1.0-percent up over the last three months. (PAP)