Poland among 7 biggest Nato defence spenders

2023-03-21 21:58 update: 2023-03-22, 19:41
Fot. PAP/Tytus Żmijewski
Fot. PAP/Tytus Żmijewski
Poland is among the 7 Nato countries to meet the Alliance's 2-percent GDP defence spending goal, says a report presented on Tuesday in Brussels by Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

According to the report, in 2022 Poland's defence spending accounted for 2.42 percent of its GDP.

The other six defence spending leaders are Greece (3.54 pct), the US (3.46 pct), Lithuania (2.47 pct), Great Britain (2.16 pct), Estonia (2.12 pct) and Latvia (2.07 pct).

The US accounted for 70 percent of Nato's overall defence spending in 2022, followed by Britain (6 pct), Germany (5 pct), France (4 pct), Italy (3 pct), Canada (2 pct), and Spain, Holland, Turkey and Poland (each around 1 pct), the report said. (PAP)